If you were born between the dates of July 23 - August 22* your Zodiac sign is a Leo, which also means you are a fire element! But what does that mean?
Leo, being the sign of the sun (like the other fire element signs), burns with a high degree of passionate traits. If you are a Leo you're likely thought of as being confident, ambitious, fiercely loyal and protective, generous, and big-hearted.
How Do Leo Traits Make You a Fire Sign?
Of the fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries & Leo), Leo is the fixed sign of the three. This can often make a Leo resolute, hard-headed, and hold on to a firm perspective on their ideas/beliefs, work ethic, people in their lives, or anything else they attach themselves to. These traits make for a strong, natural leader. However, they can also lead to other, negative traits, like attention-seeking, arrogance, impatience, struggling with criticism, and just simply being stubborn.
Luckily though, being a Leo like every sign, the negatives often out weigh the bad. Burning bright like the sun, Leos are known for being super passionate and extraordinarily creative which can make them extremely irresistible. They are warm like the sun, and live up to the essence of what it means to be a fire element.
Fire elements burns hot with passion and enthusiasm. Fire is brave, valiant and at times rebellious. Though it can be warm by nature, it can also be hot tempted, uncontrollable and angry! #@&%!
Want a physical representation of your fire traits as Leo? Get 20% off your Fire Plush Element during our Leo Sign Sale (valid until August 22):
Want to learn more?
*Just as the sun moves through the sky, the dates of the Leo sign shift annually. A Leo can also born between the dates of July 22 - August 22.