The Magic
of Plush
THEY'RE Nerdy!
With nerds in mind, the Plush Elements were designed for sci-fi & fantasy gamers, readers, and movies goers who know what elemental magic is. For those who love the concept of magic, it’s not often that it’s available in any sort of physical form that you can hold in your hands. That is of course, until now.
THEY fit our personalities!
Loving the idea that art can reflect reality, the Plush Elements are not only part fantasy, but they also embody our reality; specifically our emotions. We all can have times when we are happy, sad, scared or even mad! But that doesn’t make us any less lovable, does it? With that in mind, we wanted to make toys that relay these emotions in a tangible way. Now your plush can be endearingly emotional just like us!

The first 1000 of each plush have a special first edition maker to signify you were one of the first to support this new plush idea!
All subsequent production runs of these will no longer have these markings.